Work Experience and Careers Education

What is work experience?

Work experience is an opportunity for students to spend time in an adult working environment, carry out tasks and duties more or less as an employee, but with the emphasis on learning about the world of work. Students can participate in most areas of employment; however some areas of work are restricted by law, safety, security or insurance restrictions. Other areas are restricted by availability of placements offered. Work experience is designed to offer a broad experience of the world of work and is not necessarily a way to determine a student’s future career choices.

Who participates in work experience?

All students should have the opportunity to undertake a work experience placement in Year 10 at John Mason School. Further work experience may be offered in sixth form. Students of vocational subjects may also participate in work experience to support their course.

John Mason School are now using Unifrog, an online platform that supports schools and colleges to deliver their work experience programme.

If you would like more information on Unifrog please visit their website:

If you have any queries about work experience then please email

The Gatsby benchmark assesses schools' provision for CIAEG three times per year.  Our latest report is here: Gatsby Benchmark

For information on all aspects of offering a young person work experience please visit the Oxfordshire Work Experience website.


Ms Foster and Mr White are the teachers in charge of Careers Education and Information Advice and Guidance (IAG). The  school also employs an independent careers advisor, Mr Terry Bianchini, who works for Adviza to give enhanced and impartial support. He also provides a weekly drop in at lunchtimes in the Inclusion Zone.

Terry can be contacted at:

Ms Foster and Mr White can be contacted at: and respectively.

If you have young people who are going into learning this September, please encourage them to self-report their learning destination at

Information and Opportunities Officer

Early Intervention Service
County Hall 3rd Floor

Useful sources of information for students and carers

John Mason School has purchased an online careers service called “New Kudos” delivered by Cascaid, which can be used by students both in lessons and at home. Students are introduced to the programme in Year 8 and it is used to support option choices in Year 9, along with post -16 choices. Licence code: (provided to students)
John Mason School has also purchased an online resource called eCLIPS. This resource has regularly updated information on over 1000 jobs and careers. It enables students to make well informed decisions about their future. - Login: JMason2017

Other useful websites available to students include:; information provided by Oxfordshire County Council for young people aged 8-19. It includes an updated guide of volunteering, job opportunities and apprenticeship vacancies in Oxfordshire. comprehensive information on apprenticeships available in Oxfordshire. ”At the heart of connecting people to higher education”. Information on all aspects of higher education- no also including information on 16-18 choices. careers support for young people and their families.