
John Mason School policies are reviewed formally and considered in detail by the two Committees of the Governing Body, before discussion and approval by the full Governing Body.

Policies and Procedures Local to John Mason School

Attendance Guide for Parents and Carers 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Behaviour Policy 2023-24

SEND Policy 23-24 V8.1

JMS Safeguarding Policy 23-24

Remote Learning Policy 2022-23

Emergency School Closure Procedure - Review Date December 2024

Accessibility Policy Review Date Jan 2024

Curriculum Policy 22-23

Anti-Bullying Policy Review Date August 2024

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy Review date May 2024

Complaints Procedure Review Date 2025

Statutory Policies

John Mason School is part of the Abingdon Learning Trust. The following Statutory Policies are managed centrally and can be located on the Abingdon Learning Trust website by clicking here.

  • Charging and Remissions Policy
  • Data Security Breach Management Policy
  • Early Career Teacher Policy
  • GDPR and Data Protection Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • LGPS Employer Discretion Policy
  • LGPS Participating Employer Personal Data Retention Policy
  • Protection of Biometric Information
  • Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
  • Trustee and LAB Member Allowances Policy
  • Trust Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers, Visitors and Contractors
  • Trust Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
  • Trust Model Complaints Policy
  • Trust Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints
  • Whistleblowing Policy

Should parents and carers require further information regarding school policies please email Request for Information (l.cotmore-brown@johnmason.oxon.sch.uk)